Dock Tweaks

By Caleb Trevatt1 minute read

Disable Dock Autohide Animation

This tweak wins you back some screen real-estate and makes the dock feel snappier. Following the below makes the dock hidden by default even with non-fullscreened windows. On mouseover, the dock will unhide itself instantly with no animation.


These are my personal preferences. I spent a little time digging to get these settings, wrote this post and then found this immensely useful website Definitely go there for more info on defaults!

Press + + D to enable autohide.

defaults write autohide-time-modifier -float 0
defaults write autohide-delay -float 0
killall Dock

You can set those -float values as desired. 0 is instant.


The dock will still have an activation “pressure” behaviour in fullscreen apps which can’t be configured. Workaround is to fit the window with double click instead of fullscreening.

To revert, reset those adjustments with delete.

defaults delete autohide-time-modifier
defaults delete autohide-delay
killall Dock