
Hi! 👋 My name’s Caleb.

Welcome to my little corner of Cyberspace 💫

This is where I blog about my various projects, tinkerings and thoughts in technology – and some other stuff too!

In short, the musings of a Battle Hardened Tech Noob 🤓💥

I guess this is what Cyberspace looks like?

Why am I blogging?

My hope is that it will allow me to learn better, teach better and find like-minded lads and lassies to collaborate with.

If I learn it and I like it, I’ll try to write about it here.

Who am I?

I’m Caleb Trevatt.

I’m a son, husband and father. ✝👨‍👨‍👦

I’m also a Software Developer 💾, Cybersecurity Student 🔐, Video Veteran 📽, Musician 🎶 and Writer

By Day 🌅

I work as a Desktop Systems Engineer. I manage endpoint configuration and software deployments for the education sector. As part of a close-knit team, I also trade hats in technical support (walk-ins, onsite and remote)

When there’s time, I like to develop automation workflows to make life easier.

My tools of the trade include Proxmox, Python, PowerShell, Intune, Linux, Docker, LXCs, VMs, ZFS and the like.

By Night 🌙

As a time poor Dad, I’ve had little to show for my free time over the last few years… Recently, I’ve found inspiration to work on stuff again ✨

Stuff like…

👐 Open-source
  • I’m passionate about open-source ❤
  • I’ve contributed to several open source projects including Mycroft, Mods, Cursor, PyDavinci
  • I also maintain some projects myself!

I built Proxima to do distributed proxy transcoding across multiple machines

🐧 Linux
  • I’ve been a Linux enthusiast since 2009
  • I first installed Ubuntu Jaunty Jackalope inspired by my Dad’s 90’s guide to RedHat Linux.
  • I mainly did it to squeeze out more performance from my Compaq Potato first computer.

My first taste of Linux

🐍 Software Dev
  • Long-time Python programmer
  • Enjoy PowerShell more than I was expecting to 😬
  • Know enough Javascript and webdev to be dangerous 🚧
  • Going headstrong into Go is probably a good next step
  • Keen to get more into functional programming (Elixir, Gleam)
  • Have a healthy fear of Rust 🦀
  • Long-time Changelog listener 🎙

My GitHub stats

Stats are looking a bit sad now that I don’t use GitHub for work…

☁ Self-hosting
  • I’m a long-time homelabber!
  • I started with a Raspberry Pi 4 2GB
  • Use Proxmox, Ubuntu, DietPi, TrueNAS, Ansible, on:
    • Ryzen 5 5500 + 24TiB ZFS ZRAID2 + ancient (literally rusty) GTX 680
    • Raspberry Pi 4GB + MergerFS + Crucial MX500 SSDs
  • Docker, LXC, VMs 🏗
  • I ♥ Cloudflare & Tailscale.

Proxmox FTW

📡 Decentralised Comms
  • LoRa is awesome! I have some cheeky TTGO T-Beam LoRa capable radios
  • I enjoy hacking on mesh-networking with Meshtastic
  • A fellow mesher and I established a 24KM LOS link between two nodes!
⚡ Workflow automation
  • I love working on tooling to automate workflows.
  • My love for automation started with AutoHotkey
  • Especially robust, long runnin-tasks
  • Performant distributed computing makes me happy (when it works) ⚡
🤖 AI
  • I am fascinated by AI 👀
  • I’m excited by the prospects of automation flexibility using AI
  • WIth my background in film, I love the development of generative AI in creative arts!
  • I’ve enoyed implementing cutting-edge AI solutions with LangChain, Flowise and GPTScript.

See more details on my projects here!

Who are you?

I’m always on the look out for opportunities to collaborate with like-minded individuals on cool projects! ✨️ If you’re interested, hit me up on on one of my socials or add a comment here!

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